Thursday, July 19, 2012

Reflection#5 July 19, 2012:

Why are the Laws of Motion important?  How do the Laws apply to the construction of a playground?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Reflection#4 July 12, 2012:

A) Bridge Support for Textbook?  What worked?  What did not work?  Why?

 B) Wave Quest:  What surprised you?  What do you want to know more about waves?

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Favorite Sodas!


 Favorite Colors!

Favorite Subjects!

Reflection#3 July 5, 2012:

WAVE MOTION: Did you know how a wave works?  What is the difference between amplitude and frequency?  Was today's wave activity helpful in understanding how a wave moves?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Reflection#2 June 28, 2012:

What are your thoughts on Physicists?  What does it take to become a physicist? Do you have what it takes? Why or Why not?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Reflection#1 June 21, 2012:

What are your thoughts on Physics?  What do you expect to learn in this class?


At the end of each class session, all students will post a reflection on their daily activities.  Each entry will be worth 1% of your final grade in the course.  Please be detailed, honest and professional in your submissions.

* Be sure to complete your daily reflections under the "Reflection# with the date" posting.  You will be graded each day on this!
~Mrs. Cooper


Welcome to Mrs. Cooper's Physics Playground!  Physics is a part of our everyday lives and without it, we actually could not exist.  So let's put our heads together to break down our complex world through a "fizical" eye and have some fun while doing so! Enjoy!