Thursday, June 28, 2012

Reflection#2 June 28, 2012:

What are your thoughts on Physicists?  What does it take to become a physicist? Do you have what it takes? Why or Why not?


  1. Physicists are arguable some of the frontrunners in the scientific disciplines at this moment. The work being done in thermodynamics and astrophysics could lead us to the stars or to new energy sources- sources that might have been here the whole time! And, being the most versed in the universe's secrets, physicists are the closest things to wizards this world has.

    In order to become a physicist, one must undertake years of study with intent to learn the mysteries of how the universe works. It takes a singleminded devotion to the field, and an open mind that can accept uncertainties. I appear to have what it takes, but I actually plan on becoming a paleontologist.

  2. From what I read in the powerpoint about Albert Einstein physicists are very smart people who are also have a kind of determination to solve problems. To become a physicist it takes alot of work and a passion of solving problems and curiousity on how things work. I personally dont feel like I have what it takes to be a physicist because I do not like to solve problems. If they are too difficult I get frustrated.

  3. Physicists are very think-outside-the-box people who use the knowledge of various sciences to solve or define the rules or parameters to a problem. In order to become a physicist you need to take several math and pysical science classes. I personally do not have what it takes because physics is not what I am interested careerwise and I see no point in trying to define the physical world according to a set of man-made rules even though those laws have helped in technological advancements. In addition, the skills sets of physicists are something I do not possess.

  4. My thoughts on physicists are that they are very intelligent people who like to deal with math along with the natural world. In order to become a physicist, one would have to be good at solving amth problems and having curiosity on how things work. I do not have what it takes to become a physicist because I personally do not like solving math problems that can go on forever, and also I can not solve problems as a career. But in my future career I would like to become a teacher or even a social worker. I even plan on being both. Only God knows.

  5. One must be highly intelligent and dedicated to excel in the field of Physics. Physics is a subject that can not just be memorized, but should be applied to different subjects. Physics builds upon itself so it takes a lot of critical thinking and applied knowledge to be able to obtain a strong grasp on the subject. I also feel like physicists have a lot of imagination because most of what is taught in physics can not be seen with the naked eye. They have a lot of faith in what they are learning.
    The physisct that I am currently researching spent decades of his life studying statistical physics and wrote over a dozen books because of his passion in his field.
    I believe that I have what it takes to obtain the characteristics of a physisct if I study hard enough and gain self control but I am not exactly interested in becoming a physicist in the future.

  6. I think that physicists are highly intelligent people who have a passion for the STEM fields to an extraordinary lengths. I also think that they had to be superb when it comes to these fields.If they want to become a physicist. I dont have what it takes to be a physicist because math isn't my strongest subject and i dont like math. I'm slowly losing interest in science because of the math.

  7. I think physicist are extremely intelligent people they are passionate about studying about the physical phenomena in many branches in take a lot of time,determination and lot of degrees to be a physicist. Do i have what it take? Not exactly because i don't like researching on anything beyond my knowledge.

  8. Physicists are intelligent individuals that tackle the problems of the natural world through the use of various fields of study. To reach such a level requires special comprehension skills and numerous years of a higher education. I have what it takes to become a physicists because I am a determined and devoted learner; although, at time all I need is a little motivation.

  9. I believe that physicists are very intelligent and they have fun doing their job. I believe you would have to work hard and be dedicated to the major while in college and give it your all. Also you should be good at science and math and being able to solve problems. I think that I have what it takes to be a physicist because I'm very good at math and science and numbers.

  10. Personally my thoughts on physics is that the subject is hard but people who show interest enjoy having a career about it. It takes hard work and dedication to become a physicist and it also requires long restless nights. I don't have what it takes because I believe I will get frustrated too easily with the material.
