Thursday, June 21, 2012

Reflection#1 June 21, 2012:

What are your thoughts on Physics?  What do you expect to learn in this class?


  1. It'll involve a lot of math.
    I expect to learn alot hopefully.

  2. Physics is partially hands on and knowing formulas to apply to certain situations. I expect to learn the rules that our world runs by.

  3. I expect to learn alot about things in motion. I think Physics is interesting but as of now I dont know much about it.
    Reflection Number 1 #June21

  4. It will be ver challenging and need to pay alot if attention to.

  5. physics reminds me of math and chemistry it like the combination of the two. i expect to learn every necessary thing i need to pass the course.

  6. When I think of Physics,I think about Isaac Newton.I hope to learn how to be better at physics

  7. I feel as though Physics will present a challenge to me and my fellow students. I believe I will learn more about the scientific world and more about technology.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Physics has a reputation as a subject for theorists and super smart scientists but in reality, a lot of the phenomenons that physics explains are everyday occurances. Rollercoasters and pendulums can be explained using physics. I expect to learn more about forces and I would actually enjoy going over kinematics again.

    #Reflections 1 June 21, 2012

  10. I believe that physics is a very intimidating course when thought of in a broad sensem, but when the subject is broken down and studied in chunks, its actually manageable and a little bit enlightening.

  11. Physics explains the natural world and gives rules to natural occurrences. It is very challenging because people have to use the vast bits of information in their heads to apply to one problem. I hope to learn physics in a fun way.

  12. COMMENTER'S NOTE: The others did this a bit early, I'd say. You DID say that we only needed to do the survey yesterday, right? If not, then I'm right marooned.

    As it stands, physics is perhaps one of the most important fields of science in existence. Without thermodynamics, the internal combustion engine would have never been concieved. Meanwhile, the application of theories of gravity have allowed from everything from Kepler's observation of our own solar system to the recent discoveries of exoplanets in far-off star systems. Not only that, but without an accurate knowledge of kinematics, cars would be metal deathtraps and all other forms of wheeled transportation would be nigh-impossible.

    I truly hope to learn the numbers that allowed these and other great discoveries such as were concieved in the world of physics during the Renaissance and the early Information Age.
