Thursday, July 5, 2012

Reflection#3 July 5, 2012:

WAVE MOTION: Did you know how a wave works?  What is the difference between amplitude and frequency?  Was today's wave activity helpful in understanding how a wave moves?


  1. A wave, as defined in physics, is a transferrence of energy that does not require a medium, and thus can operate through a vacuum. Amplitude is the height of the wave, whereas frequency is the number of crests or troughs that appear within a certain amount of time. Today's activity was both helpful and delicious!

  2. Yes, I was aware that a wave was a traveling disturbance. The difference between amplitude and frequency is that amplitude is the height of the crest and frequency is how many crest there are in a certain time frame. Today's activity was very helpful and fun.

  3. I truly didn't know how a wave works. The difference between amplitude and frequency is that amplitude is how high the wave is while the frequency is the amount of waves that appear. This wave exercise was a helpful way to understand how a wave moves.

  4. A wave is just a traveling disturbance.Amplitude is how high and how low the wave goes.Frequency is the measure of how many waves per beat.Today's wave activity was extremely helpful in understanding how a wave moves.The activity was very fun and interesting and I enjoyed it!

  5. A wave works when a motion disturbs a force either through a medium or source. Amplitude is the maximum height of a wave. Frequency is the number of events over seconds. Yes, today's activity helped me visual how a wave works.

  6. I was aware that a wave becomes active due to a force, and a disturbance can interfere with its speed or function. The frequency is the repetition rate of the wave and its amplitude is its highest point. Today's lesson helped me understand how mass affects speed, something I was previously unaware of.

  7. a wave is an oscillation that travels through space time and accompanied by the transfer of energy. Amplitude is the height of the wave from max to min while frequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating wave. today's activity was really helpful and fun it made me understand how wave works.

  8. Yes, I knew how a wave worked. Amplitude is the maximum height of a wave. Frequency is how many waves occur in seconds. Yes it helped me.

  9. I did know how a wave works but I realized that I had forgotten. But today's lesson refreshed my memory of how a wave works. A wave is formed when there is a disturbance in a medium of some sort. Amplitude is the tallest or lowest height that the wave can reach, while frequency is the amount of times the wave goes through a cycle in a period of time. Today's wave example was very interesting. I have never made nor eaten a real life wave. It was very new and exciting.

  10. I was aware of how a wave worked. However, I didn't know it was that easy to make a wave out of three different materials. The difference between amplitude and frequency is that amplitude is measures how high and how low the waves travel compared to a straight line. Frequency is measures how many times per second the wave peaks.I did like the activity today because it also dealt with teamwork and helped me better to explain how a wave works.
