Thursday, July 19, 2012

Reflection#5 July 19, 2012:

Why are the Laws of Motion important?  How do the Laws apply to the construction of a playground?


  1. The Laws of motion are important because there are several things that rely on the laws of motion. The laws apply to the construction of a playground because you have to make sure the swing swings and stops when its supposed to. The same thing goes for the merry go round.

  2. The Laws of Motion are important for defining what physicists and engineers can and cannot do. They apply to a playground by providing guidelines and restrictions on design in order to keep children from harm.

  3. The laws of motion are the set standards/rules observed on our planet regarding motion. They have repeatedly been tested and proven to be true. These laws help us construct functional objects that fulfill their intended use. For example, all the laws of motion apply to the functioning of a swing. The amount of force that the swinger uses to go backwards will propel him/her forward using the same amount of force . Without any movement from the swinger, the swing will defiantly stay in place.

  4. The laws of motion are important because they outline how things move and operate when they are affected by external factors.The laws of motion apply to a playground because it limits how equipment can be made and used, so it is safe for all children.

  5. The laws of motion are important because the govern all possible interactions between objects. Without knowledge of these absolute physical laws, we could not understand the workings of engines, planes, and motors, or even the true workings of simple machines like wedges and pulleys.

    When applied to a playground, the laws of motion must be taken into account so that a balance between safety (i.e. the merry-go-round doesn't violently launch children in tangential directions to its rotation, thus leading to broken bones and quite possibly death for all parties) and fun (i.e. the slide actually provides speed, thus prompting excitement). In this way, safe, but still adrenaline-inducing entertainment can be produced for the good of children everywhere.

  6. Whenever I am sitting down, I don't move involuntarily unless I am acted upon by a Force.I move in the direction of that force that was applied to me and I also exert an equal but opposite force on the object that affected me. These actions are all examples of the three laws of motion. These laws explain why things happen, how they happen, and most importantly allow us to examine, scientifically, the events that occur everyday.
    These laws explain how the playground equipment operate and what a child must do in order to actually enjoy them. For example, on a see saw, there must be a force applied to the seat so that an equal and opposite force can be applied to the other seat. Without this law, the see saw might just be a plank of wood. The laws of motion have to be taken into account so that the playground equipment is not only safe, but actually performs the functions it was created to do, allowing for an entertaining experience.
